Episode 116: Top 5 Reasons Why Real Estate Agents Fail

We have an interesting podcast show about the top 5 reasons that real estate agents do not make it in this business.  Lots of insight that we learned from the 100th Anniversary of United Country Real Estate and talking to brokers that manage agents.  If you are a managing broker and are looking to sharpen your recruiting skills, then understanding why agents fail should be at the top of your list.  Enjoy the show.

Episode 115: Selling Property in Costa Rica with Mike Krieg

Guess who just sold the largest contiguous land tract in Costa Rica.  Mike Krieg joins us in the studio and talks about selling a HUGE Aloe Vera farm in Costa Rica, with all the complexities and rewards of a mega transaction. If you like interesting stories then this episode is for you.  We also discuss the in-country differences of open listings versus exclusive right to sell listings, and the risk of spending enormous amounts of marketing money on a foreign transaction.  Enjoy the show.


Episode 114: Seller Paid Upfront Auction Marketing

When sellers pay the auction marketing upfront, they become better sellers at the end of the auction process.  Having “skin in the game” signals that the seller is invested in the auction process and believes it is a good strategy for both divesting of their property, as well as receiving a fair market value for their property.  Trina and I talk about the in’s and outs of effective auction marketing and why it is more beneficial for Seller’s to invest in the process upfront.  Enjoy the show..

Episode 113: Sharing Commissions with Other Brokers

In this episode we are joined by our good friend Jimmie Dean Coffey, as we discuss the art and benefits of commission sharing with other brokers.  We have to keep in mind who we are working for and what is in the “Sellers” best interest, while also being fair to the company that is executing most of the work in the listing and sales process.  We take a deeper dive into the nuances of buyer’s agent compensation at auction, as well as traditional sales.  This is a great episode that has a ton of well experienced discussion around this topic.  Enjoy the show.

Episode 112: Enhancing Your Google Business Page with Eric Hoots

We are joined in the studio by Eric Hoots of AuctionSphereHQ.com which specializes in developing, enhancing and growing your companies Google Business Page.  Did you know that your Google business profile, photos, blogs, reviews and ultimately performance are all things you can work on to increase your web presence and recognition on searches. In this episode we take a deep dive into the fundamentals of increasing your rankings and opportunities for customer engagement with your Google Business Page.  Enjoy the show as there is a ton of great content in this episode.


Episode 111: Top 10 Reasons to Use 1031 Exchange

Another exciting episode as we have Greg Schowe with Asset Preservation Inc, in the studio discussing the Top 10 Reasons to use a 1031 Exchange.  Greg has a great list of the most important reasons their company engages with buyers and sellers in the tax deferred space and shares his insight on our show.  Guaranteed to provide GREAT information if you sell investment property.




Episode 110: Soil Tax Deductions

We are joined in the studio by Alec Bean and Karly Pavlinac with Agricultural Soil Management (ASM) which is a company that conducts soil tax deduction analysis for property owners.  This is very interesting as you can evaluate you land for excess levels of Potassium and Phosphorous, and apply for a tax deduction based on excess levels.  Join us in the studio as they take us through the process and outline the opportunities for land owners who are in their first 3 years of ownership and have not applied fertilizer yet.  Enjoy the show..


ASM Company

Episode 109: Direct Mailing Tactics for Success

Join us as we discuss powerful tactics to use while direct mailing post cards and letters to property owners.  The frequency is important as well as the messaging being sent out.  Learn how to send information, versus just a direct solicitation. We also discuss planning models for annual marketing spend and how plan for direct mailing a year in advance.  Enjoy the show..

Episode 108: Brokers Adding Auctions to Their Business

We are joined in the studio by Broker turned Auctioneer Matt Gallimore, as he takes us through the process of incorporating auction services into his long time Virginia real estate brokerage.  Today he provides auction services (currently) in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Florida, and is looking at adding additional states to his resume.  We discuss the strengths and the challenges he has experienced over the past 12 years and his positive words of encouragement to any real estate broker that has a vision for auction related services in their market area.  Start thinking about how this opportunity may impact your business and enjoy the show.


Episode 107: the 15th Annual Auction Expo

We just completed the 15th Annual Auction Expo in Kansas City, Missouri and had over 100 attendees from 20 states and Canada.  The event is in it’s 15th year and growing in both strength and recognition.  Join us as we recap the speakers, topics, vendors and all the wonderful auction training that took place this week in KC.  Enjoy the show.